Thursday, September 20, 2012

Old Testament Flashback: Fall of Man

We are in week 3 of our study of the Old Testament.  Here is what we discussed and learned.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Old Testament Flashback: Creation

We just completed the second week of our study on Old Testament Flashback.  We looked at creation and how there was order and meaning behind it all.

Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Old Testament Flashback: God

Our new study for Collide is entitled Old Testament Flashback where we are studying the Old Testament in a chronological order.  The first thing we are studying and diving into is a talk about God.  We could probably spend a whole semester, if not more, on this subject but we narrowed it down to the Sovereignty of God and the Names of God.  Here are the slides of what we discussed tonight along with a video clip.