Monday, September 23, 2013

#reallifeprobs- #appearance Part 2

Here is the powerpoint from our series called #reallifeprobs. This past week we looked at #appearance. Simultaneously we had a parent seminar to go along with this topic of appearance. We want our parents to understand that teenagers struggle with appearance and peer pressure.

Monday, September 09, 2013

#reallifeprobs- #identity

We started a new series for the majority of the Fall entitled #reallifeprobs and we looked at #identity. We must understand that God has created each and everyone of us uniquely and he did not make a mistake when he created you. We must understand this as we begin this study. We also wanted to let the teenagers know that their teenaged years are temporary, they are not permanent and that they can make it through these tough years! Here are the slides from last weeks talk.