Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Since last time

My dad is doing great! He got back from seeing his cardiologist today and his heart seems to be doing really good. He begins rehab soon: walking, weight lifting, riding the bike... It seems that my dad had his surgery such a long time ago. It hasn't even been a month and so much has happened since then. My uncle Jesse passed away and one of my best friends son passed away.

To be honest I am tired: physically, mentally, emotionally. Although I may be tired in these areas my spiritual life seems to be getting stronger, don't get me wrong, I have had my moments of anger and anxiety about all of the situations surrounding my family.

I have been trying to comfort my friend who lost his youngest son last Thursday. He died when he turned over in his sleep and suffocated himself. I have heard of things happening like this but never thought it would hit so close to home. Going to a memorial and funeral of a 9 month old is never easy to deal with, he has a twin sister and older brother that are doing good. It is just hard to try to understand why this has happened. I know that God has his reasons, but I would really like to know. This speaks about faith, if God choose to reveal all of the things all the time, what would be the purpose of faith? Faith is such an amazing thing that is hard to grasp, one day it will all make sense and logic will set in and I can look back and reflect. Now is not that time though, God is faithful and just. He knows exactly what he is doing and that brings me great comfort!

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Pop's heart surgery Day 5

My dad was able to be moved to a private room today after lunch. I got the call from my sister when I was on my way to eat lunch with some friends and then I was going to go to visit with my dad from 1-2pm. In CCU they have certain times that you can go visit and that is it, those times are: 5:30-6:30am; 9:30-10:00am; 1:00-2:00pm; 5:30-6:00pm; and 8:00-9:00pm. My mom was there at every time and myself and the rest of my siblings went at least once or twice a day. Now that my dad got moved out of CCU we can visit him anytime between 9am-9pm.

The physical therapist worked with my dad today and he was able to walk down the hall and back a couple of times and he said that he felt really good afterwards. His blood pressure is almost back to normal and his heart is getting stronger. Please continue to pray for the strength of his heart. He may be able to go home tomorrow, if not tomorrow then probably sometime this weekend. My siblings and I have been working around the house to get things ready for his return. We took down the Christmas decorations, cleaned the house, went grocery shopping, and moved furniture around.

I can definitely tell that my dad has a new look at life, he told me that he wants to focus on being around his family more, and going on more mission trips. My dad loves his family ad he loves to help people! These are great qualities that I am implementing in my life. Through this entire experience I have felt the power of God and prayer, there is just something to be said about the power of God and the power of his people lifting up their fellow brothers and sisters in prayer. I love my God, my family, my friends, and my church who have been praying and taking great care of us.

"Thank you God for your awesome power that you have shown my family these past few days! I have no doubt that your hand was guiding us through all of this and that you are continuing to guide us. Not only in this situation but in life. I ask that you continue to strengthen my dads heart and have a great recovery. I ask that he be able to get back to a life that he enjoys and that he will be able to give you all of the glory. Father may we never forget this and use this as a tool to further Your kingdom. Help us be disciples for You. Be with my brother and I as we travel back to our homes tomorrow. I love you and I'll talk to you soon! Amen."

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Pop's heart surgery Day 4

My dad is doing a lot better. He was able to sit up for about 4 hours today! Everyone is eager, including him to get out of CCU. The doctor gave us an update and said that he looks really good and that he should be able to move out of CCU today or tomorrow. He did not move out today but hopefully tomorrow he will. He got another tube out of him and his blood pressure is going up! The doctor said that it would be slow due to his heart being so weak, but that is what they expected and he is doing great.

I am eagerly, and some what impatiently, waiting for him to be out of CCU. I just really want to know if he is going to be o-kay and how much stronger his heart is. His heart was only pumping at an Emission Ratio of 15%, whereas a healthy human has an Emission Ratio of 100% that is how weak his heart really was. We are so grateful to have him with us even now. The doctors say that it is a miracle that he was still able to walk around and do stuff or even to be alive. I was talking to my mom before I went in to see my dad about how a lot of times I think about how much money doctors make and it wasn't until I was in this situation where I would give those doctors so much more for the job that they did! They really deserve what they make!

Tonight my dad was looking a lot better and even cracking a few jokes with my family. He is eager to see his grandkids, they all made him a video message which we played for him and he almost started to cry. I almost cried just watching them as they told my dad "I miss you Lito, I love you, and can't wait to see you" I choke up just thinking about it. They will not be able to see my dad until he is out of CCU and into a private room.

I know that God has everything in control and that he knows what is coming up, I pray for patience as He reveals these things to me and my family. I also pray for rest, I am so tired and I have to keep moving to stay awake throughout the day. I also pray for the strength of my dad's heart, and that he will be able to enjoy life and the things he loves to do.

Through all of this I continually read and pray Psalm 24. I encourage anyone who reads this to look it up and read it for themselves. It has brought me a lot of comfort over the past few days and I pray that it can help you too.

"Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for being God and sitting on your thrown. There are so many anxious moments that I would really like to answers to but I know that you will reveal them to me when the time is right. I ask for patience as I go one day by day, Father I ask for rest as I try to catch up from these last stressful days, You are the great comforter and I come to you for comfort and rest. I am heavy burdened and I come to you for strength. Please be with my dad and strengthen his heart so that he may enjoy life again. You are the God who has already preformed a miracle and I am asking for more of your awesome power. Thank you again for the grace and mercy that you give to us. Help me to be a disciple for You. It is in your name that I pray. Amen."

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Pop's heart surgery Day 3

My dad looks good today. He had a good morning but a not so good afternoon, after the doctor and nurses came in and took a couple of tubes out he was doing a lot better. He was able to sit up in a chair and eat dinner. His color is coming back, his swelling is going down and his blood pressure is coming up. It's gradually coming up and we hope it will continue to come up which means his heart is getting stronger.

I was able to wash his truck today, he said it hadn't been washed in over a year and you could tell. It took me over 3 hours of cleaning and I could have spent another hour or two easily on it and as I washed it I just kept praying about the strength of my dad's heart, I think that I will be praying hard about that for a while. I'm glad that I got the truck cleaned I enjoy doing it and I needed to get it done by tomorrow so my mom can drive it while her car goes into the shop for the next couple of days. My mom is looking and feeling a lot better, I think that since my dad is feeling better she is feeling better. Please continue to pray for my family and my dad for strength and endurance. I thank you for the prayers and the continuing prayers that you are giving and showering us with.

"Thank you God for a great day for my dad, I continue to pray that his heart will continually get stronger and that he will be able to get out of the hospital soon. I thank you for your grace and mercy you give us. Please give us the rest that we need, from my dad to my mom and siblings. I love you and I'll talk to you soon. Amen."