Thursday, January 03, 2008

Pop's heart surgery Day 5

My dad was able to be moved to a private room today after lunch. I got the call from my sister when I was on my way to eat lunch with some friends and then I was going to go to visit with my dad from 1-2pm. In CCU they have certain times that you can go visit and that is it, those times are: 5:30-6:30am; 9:30-10:00am; 1:00-2:00pm; 5:30-6:00pm; and 8:00-9:00pm. My mom was there at every time and myself and the rest of my siblings went at least once or twice a day. Now that my dad got moved out of CCU we can visit him anytime between 9am-9pm.

The physical therapist worked with my dad today and he was able to walk down the hall and back a couple of times and he said that he felt really good afterwards. His blood pressure is almost back to normal and his heart is getting stronger. Please continue to pray for the strength of his heart. He may be able to go home tomorrow, if not tomorrow then probably sometime this weekend. My siblings and I have been working around the house to get things ready for his return. We took down the Christmas decorations, cleaned the house, went grocery shopping, and moved furniture around.

I can definitely tell that my dad has a new look at life, he told me that he wants to focus on being around his family more, and going on more mission trips. My dad loves his family ad he loves to help people! These are great qualities that I am implementing in my life. Through this entire experience I have felt the power of God and prayer, there is just something to be said about the power of God and the power of his people lifting up their fellow brothers and sisters in prayer. I love my God, my family, my friends, and my church who have been praying and taking great care of us.

"Thank you God for your awesome power that you have shown my family these past few days! I have no doubt that your hand was guiding us through all of this and that you are continuing to guide us. Not only in this situation but in life. I ask that you continue to strengthen my dads heart and have a great recovery. I ask that he be able to get back to a life that he enjoys and that he will be able to give you all of the glory. Father may we never forget this and use this as a tool to further Your kingdom. Help us be disciples for You. Be with my brother and I as we travel back to our homes tomorrow. I love you and I'll talk to you soon! Amen."

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